
Friday, March 9, 2012

My {NEW} Workout Routine - Getting Ready for Summer!

Here I sit, blogging, when I really should be doing a host of other dishes or cleaning the house in preparation for our weekend guest...but this is way more fun :). I did want to share what I have been up to the last  couple of weeks {I know I've been a horribly inconsistent blogger...please forgive me}.

Besides working on my "labor of love" couch {click here to see sneak peek pics}, I've been trying a new workout routine. I've tried lots of things in the past, but I get bored with workouts so easily, that I could never stick with them. I wish I was a runner, but my knees just really don't like all the jarring. Jeff and I got halfway through P90X once shortly after we were married, but boy was that a commitment and a half! I've tried some other videos and stuff in the I'm sure you have as well.

 Since bathing suite weather is just around the corner, I decided that I needed to get into some kind of workout Since Pinterest has been my "go-to" for just about everything lately, I decided to hit it up again for some workout ideas. I kind of piece-milled these workout routines together, and if I get tired of one of them, I just find another one to takes it's place!

*Disclaimer - I am by no means a professional trainer, so...yeah.

Monday & Wednesday

Tuesday & Thursday



Monday - Saturday {March}

One thing that Jeff and I have started doing that helps keep us motivated towards better living habits is to set goals for everything! If we really want something, then we will set a goal. Like, if Jeff wants to rent a movie on the weekend, then he wants to have finished one book. A few weeks ago, I wanted some super amazing eye shadow from Vickie's Hush Hush {aka Victoria's Secret}, so I decided to motivate myself and read a couple of books before I got it. Sounds silly I'm sure, but heck, it gets me reading. We grow old when we stop learning {I can't remember who said that}. Anyway, all that to say that Jeff and I set a goal that in order to watch a certain TV show that we both like, we have to complete our respective workouts 6 days of the week. It keeps us accountable, because you can bet that I'm making sure Jeff works out and visa versa.

 I hope this gives you some inspiration to go out there and find a workout that works for you! I've been following this routine for 2 weeks now, and can already see results. For more workout ideas, check out my "Work Out Ideas" Pinterest board! Happy pinning! :) 

What workout routines have you been able to stick to? Do you like the videos, or do you like to make up your own thing like me? 

If I have any personal trainers reading this post, please {kindly} correct anything that I've said :). Would love your feedback!
Linking up here: 

{connect with Emily here}


  1. Woo! I need to do those leg workouts! It's been a while since I worked out and summer will be here before we know it!

    I'd love for you to link up and share:

    1. Those leg workouts are awesome! And it doesn't take very long at all {that's my favorite part :)}. Sure, I'll link up! :) Thanks for taking the time to comment, Lauren!

  2. I saved all of them! They are currently printed out and on my desk. The first thing I'll do after work is to hang them up on my home.

    Followed. And maybe you'll stop by me someday. =)

  3. Good collection, Emily! How did you find all of ‘em? Having copies of these is good. It’ll help definitely inspire you more. Keeping and reading these, even not during the summer season, can somehow entice anyone to follow these workout routines. I like the photos and exercise tips taken by the beach, it definitely gives that kind o’ feeling! :D

  4. Coming up with your own workout plan is fine. But it would be much better if you exercise at home with a video. Exercise videos are professionally made, Emily. :) Plus, you can do it along with a family member or a friend - a perfect time for bonding, indeed! I'm glad that you read books. Do you read fitness magazines also? You could get a lot of tips from magazines.

    Nicolas Ervin

    1. I agree with Nicolas. However, just to clarify: not all videos are professionally made. One has to research thoroughly about the fitness instructor that you are interested in signing under. I do read fitness magazines, by the way. :P

      Brandon Pepper


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