
Monday, August 6, 2012

Three Things...

Although Jeff and I were apart on our actual anniversary, it was still a w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l day. I wouldn't normally bore you with the details, but we had some excitement, so I wanted to share it with you!

Okay, three things

::one:: PDR Facebook page reached 100 "likes"! Ya! That means it's time for a giveaway as promised...but more on that tomorrow {hopefully...I'm trying to get it ready}. So, be watching for won't want to miss out! 


Jeffrey sent me flowers at work! 

They were beautiful. I say "were" because they died while we were on our stay-cation. Sad. I'm glad I got some pictures of them! 


We hadn't had a showing on our house in over three weeks. I refused to be disappointed though, because like I said before, we are not in a rush to sell. Jeff called me at lunch and said that we were having a showing within the hour. Exciting! Well actually, I was nervous because my pj's {and more!} were on the floor...I had gotten a little lazy. Oops. But that didn't deter our prospective buyer because we had an offer on the house by that evening! And that's not even the crazy part. We had priced our house at $xxx,731.00 because July 31st {7/31} is our wedding anniversary. Coincidence? I think not. Now I realize that our house isn't sold yet. We still have inspections, the appraisal, and the closing but even if it falls through, this is cool! God has shown His hand in every aspect of this house and I am grateful. 

Be sure to check back soon for the giveaway! 

{connect with Emily here}

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