
Thursday, December 20, 2012

I Am a God-Sized Dreamer! {& an upcoming series in 2013}

For those of you who follow me on instagram or Facebook, you may have heard me mention that something new and {I think} exciting is going to be happening here starting in January.

If you know me, or if you read my "I need to put myself out there sometimes" post back in October, you know that I'm a dreamer. I wrote down a few of my dreams in that post, and I have been doing a lot of thinking about them lately. Less than a month after writing that post, I got an email from one of my most favorite, inspiring, and encouraging blogs: (in)courage. I read the title in my inbox: "A Dare for You to Keep Dreaming" by Holley Gerth, and I knew it was going to be what I needed that day. I was also thrilled to find out that Holley was creating a "God-Sized Dream Team." She was looking for women bloggers who wanted to say "yes" to their God-sized dream in 2013. I am very blessed and excited to be a part of this group of inspiring and encouraging women.


I hope you will come back here every week as I write about my dreams and actually take action steps to pursue them. I don't know about you, but I'm kind of tired of just hoping and wishing. It's time for me to start doing something. I'm kind of scared, but mostly excited!

{source unknown}
I know I have shared some of my dreams on here before, but I am taking some time to really think through some things, and I'll be writing a post about them more in the very near future.

Check out our "God-Sized Dreamers" Pinterest board for some inspiration and motivation!

Holley Gerth is the best-selling author of You're Already Amazing and a partner with Dayspring. Holley also co-founded (in) courage & Squee!

Have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! 

{connect with Emily here}


  1. Replies
    1. Kristen, I need this :). You will love this series! There are so many inspiring women taking this journey with me and I'll be linking up with them and sharing them here. Holley is an amazing coach as well. I am SO stinking excited!

  2. love that pic! ohmyword!

    I'm so excited about what God is going to do in all our lives! AMAZING! I know that today is a hard day, but we push through those, with our arms praising Him!


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