
Monday, January 28, 2013

some bits about me | leibster nominee

Mary Beth of Annapolis and Company nominated me for a fun little "get-to-know-you" game called Leibster. Now I get to share fun {and potentially embarrassing!} moments and facts about me. Enjoy!

My 11 random facts: 

1| I paid my way through college. I finished with zero debt or school loans - thanks to scholarships, prayer, and hard work. I think it helped me grow up faster. {I still haven't graduated...I'm 3 classes short}. 

2| I was a voice major in college for two years before switching to Bible. I've kind of lost a passion for pursuing singing as a career or for teaching lessons. 

3| I have never had braces. I got my teeth genes from my momma :)

4| When I was in high school, I was given the opportunity to dabble in modeling and I'm on the cover of two books. 

I got to work on my "pining farm girl" look. Haha!

5| Jeff and I didn't kiss until our wedding day. I know...old school. I love the looks on people's faces when I tell them that. {you can pick your chin up from off the floor now :) }

6| I've had a thing lately for fashion and beauty blogs. I usually try to boost my beauty regime this time of year because I feel so dry and drab! I just splurged on some new beauty products, and if I love them as much as I think I will, I'll have to share! {Thank you, Amber, for the inspiration!}

7| I have taken hunter's safety and I want to take a conceal and carry class, too! I haven't done much hunting, but I did shoot a buffalo when I was in high school. The picture will remain in hiding...mostly because I was in high school and well...that should be enough reason! Haha! {I'm sorry if I've offended any animal lovers/vegetarians!} 

8| I have dyed my hair red, brown, {almost} black, and blonde - all in the same year. I've been happy with my blonde for nearly a whole's a record, folks! 

9| My idea of a lovely weekend: having a clean house, projects done, blog post{s} written, shopping, coffee & a chat with a friend, and then relaxing with a good book or movie. It's hard for me to relax when my "to-do" list is  undone. I'm a bore. 

10| If I am interested in something, I love to do TONS of research on the topic. I am always willing to share my "hard-earned" information with anyone who asks {I've been working on not giving people "advice" if they don't ask though}. I believe in giving and sharing without thought of what I will get in return. I do struggle with giving actual gifts though...I am working on that! 

11| I believe in firmly knowing what you believe, but being open minded at the same time. I once heard this little saying by Chris Brady: "you don't know what you don't know, you are forgetting some of what you do know, and some of what you know, isn't so." I want to listen more, talk less, and refrain from unjustly judging others. You too?


11 questions from Mary Beth:

1|  If you could live anywhere, where would it be? by the ocean and by good shopping :) 
2./  What’s been your most embarrassing moment to date? I am honestly not trying to copout here, but I can't think of one good story. I've had lots of little embarrassing things happen like...I got hit in the head with a softball because I wasn't paying attention in the outfield; I was/am super naive and I tend to always say the completely wrong thing {I'm sure I provided great opportunities for "that's what she said" jokes}; a little girl came up to me and said that I had nice boobs in front of a bunch of people I barely knew; I was late for class one snowy/icy day my freshman year of college and I hit a patch of ice and bit it...bad. Nothing too mortifying, but it does add up! Haha!
3./  What is your creative outlet? diy-ing, blogging, and recently photography
4./  What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Jeff made me a chocolate banana breakfast smoothie! It was yum!
5./  What makes a good friend? honesty. truthfulness. loyalty. humility.  
6./  What has been the most important day of your life? when I accepted Christ as my savior and my wedding day.
7./  Do you prefer to love or prefer to be loved? opening myself up and allowing someone to love me deepens my ability to love in return. 
8./ Fear aside, what is the one thing you wish you were brave enough to do? skydiving!
9./ Who inspires you? I am inspired by big thinkers and people who work hard and don't give up on their dreams. I love to see someone admit that they don't know everything and become a good student. A woman who strives after God and encourages me to do the same by her actions..not just her words. A woman who is looks to the Word rather than the world for her guidance, and gets her feeling of worth from God. Danae is my friend and mentor and I see all these things in her. I am blessed to have her in my life. She gets me.
10./ Do you feel most invigorated when you spend time with other people or being by yourself? I certainly need both, but I feel rejuvenated by spending time alone...journaling, reading, creating, blogging, or simply thinking. I need my alone time. 
11./ Please finish this sentence…I wish I had known… a little earlier in life that people need more grace from me. My mom taught me this, but it didn't click until recently. When people lash out at me, or lie to me, or betray my trust, it usually has little to do with me, but it has everything to do with them. They are hurting, lonely, and desperate, and I just happened to take the brunt force of it. This doesn't excuse them, but it helps me understand and be able to forgive them. My joy is dependent on what I choose to dwell on.


I am tagging 11 bloggers below & here are the rules: 

1| Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2|  Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
3|  Choose 11 new bloggers (or with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
4|  Go to their page and tell them about the award.
5|  No tag backs.

My Nominees:
{If I tagged you, it's because I think you're cool & we should totally be {better} friends! K?!} 


Here are my questions for you!

1| Do you like your handwriting? Why or why not?
2| What is the first thing you notice about people?
3| Why do you blog?
4| What is your favorite season of the year and why?
5| What is your dream job?
6| What can a friend do that will make you feel special?
7| When was your last encounter with wildlife? 
8| What part of your morning routine do you consider essential?
9| What was the last vacation you went on?
10| What is your guilty pleasure food?
11| Are you a morning or night person?


If you just can't get enough of this stuff, I participated in a similar game a while can read about it HERE

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  1. I linked up! love this! I was actually at a friend's house awhile back and they had the books you are on. I had to tell her of course that I knew the girl on the cover!:)

    thanks for including me:)

    1. Haha! You are welcome Kelsie! I shared your link on my PDR Facebook page :)

  2. Yay! Thanks for the tag! I love these kind of things!

    1. You are welcome, Kari! Please share your link on my Facebook page when you post it! :)

  3. i wouldve loved to have no loans after school! cute blog :)

    1. Thank you, Trisha! So many people carry the weight of school loans for many years...we are very thankful and blessed to have ours paid off!


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