
Monday, February 11, 2013

When Dreaming Isn't So Dreamy | God-Sized Dream Series

In case your new here, or if you're a little confuzzed about what this "God-size dream" series is all about, here is a synopsis for you:

Every Tuesday, I share with you where I am at in my journey of pursuing my God-sized dream. {Click HERE to get caught up on the series}. Sometimes it's hard to communicate where I'm at with it all because it's so right now, but I do my best to be real with you even when I'm uncertain of where this journey is taking me.

What is a God-sized dream, you ask? It is a desire in my heart for more of what God has for me. 

I laid out my dreams in THIS post. What's cool is that I'm not the only one doing this. I am blogging this journey along with 100 other lovely ladies and we link up with Holley Gerth every Tuesday. Maybe you would like to join in? Feel free! But let me warn you, this sounds like a fun little blogging "game" or series, but it's turning out to be a lot more than that for me, and for many of these other women. We are seeing God work and move, grow and stretch us. The more I put into this series, the more I get out of it - and we're only a fraction of the way in!

Last week, I shared one of my greatest fears that I've faced in my pursuit of my God-sized dream: letting go of good to make room for great.

Paring off that, today I want to share with you more of what I feel that I need to decrease in my life in order to make some headway towards my dreams.

Last week, I had such a battle going on in my heart. Maybe some of you picked that up by my very vague post last week. This series is forcing me to be very real and transparent. When I convey that I'm going through a tough season of life, I don't want my words to say "Woe is me...", I want them to say "Wow, God loves me so much to allow me to go through this time of testing so that I can have an awesome testimony for Him." I hope that through anything and everything that I share here, that I convey my belief that even through difficult and "bad" times, that my God is still good. I am blessed and doing far better than I deserve. 

My and Jeffrey's main focus right now is building and expanding our business. It is not big enough to support our family yet, so after we get off work, we go to work again. It is so easy to slack off or complain or let little things get in the way of the big picture. Being an entrepreneur takes time. It takes discipline. It takes getting outside my comfort zone and decreasing some of the "extra" things in my life.

I'm way behind on watching my favorite TV show: Downton Abbey. But, you know...that's ok. I'll catch up later.

Jeff and I haven't had a real vacation since our honeymoon. But, you know...that's ok. We have an AWESOME vacation planned for when we meet one of our big goals. It's definitely worth working hard for.

We live in an {ugly} rent house that is on the market so we always have to keep it clean and "show-ready." But, you know what? That's ok. We save a boat-load of money every month.

I love this blog of mine and I want to write more and do more DIY projects. I have a huge vision for this me on that one. I'm not letting go of that...I'm simply holding back for a little bit. I don't have the time right now to do all that I want to do. But, you know...I'm learning to be ok with that. I am going to keep posting when I can. I am going to share this story of ours so that one day, when we achieve our dreams, you will see that our hard work paid off. You will know that we aren't just a lucky couple that got handed everything in life. We are hard-working, dreaming, blessed people. I know that I will probably lose some readers during this time when I can't post as much as I would like or when I can't be on top of my social media game {which I love!}. 

But you know what? 

That. is. ok.

I say all of these things not to make me look good or to make you feel down on yourself if you aren't giving up your little guilty pleasures. Those things aren't necessarily wrong, and you are most likely in a very different stage of life than I am. But, maybe you aren't. Maybe you have "excuse-itis" and you need to get your priorities in order. I don't know where you're at. I'm working to stop the "victim" mentality of blaming my current results {or lack of them} on my circumstances, and I'm starting to take responsibility for my situation and realize that I can change that....even if the only thing I can change is my outlook and attitude.

So, what's stopping you from achieving your goals/dreams?

If you have stuck with me this far, I am so thankful for you! :) 

I am linking up at

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  1. Lovely post, Emily! I'm proud of you for making the hard decisions and trusting God and your husband during an uncertain time. Such a tough thing to do! My experience has been that there will always be hard seasons...because we live in an imperfect world with sin that destroys. BUT I want to encourage you that the more we listen to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to change our hearts {as painful as that is!}, the easier it is to trust Him when the next season comes and the next...and the next. Love you girl! Thanks for writing...

    1. Thank you, Mary Beth! Jeff and I so appreciate your support! And that is so true...tough seasons will always come, but thankfully, we have the Holy Spirit and we will learn from these experiences and grow. If I am not regularly going through a tough times, then I am coasting rather than climbing. It's funny how that works!

  2. Emily,
    You are an encouragement and I love reading your posts! Now you've got me thinking on what I can give up so that I can focus on certain goals/areas in my life. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with life and I've set my standards too high on what I expect to be done, and I need to give it all to God and let Him take care of everything. Thank you for helping me realize that!
    BTW, I don't think your house is "ugly"! I love what you've done with it, you are an inspiration, friend!

    1. I am thankful that the Lord can use my experiences to bless, push, and encourage others! I appreciate you reading my blog, Tara! Let me know if you ever want to get together and chat over coffee! :)

  3. great post *_* your blog is very lovely and interesting. im glad if you visit my blog, too <3 keep in touch!


    1. Thank you for reading! Your blog is super cute! I love it!

  4. Thanks for this honest post...I love your space and hop over here to read often. :) I admire you for your work-hard, can-do attitude. That trip will be worth it...I'm looking forward to hearing about where you guys are going! (I kinda love traveling the world.) :) Blessings, Emily!

  5. Great post Emily! Thanks for sharing :)



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