
Monday, April 22, 2013

cReate | God-Sized Dreams Series

This week I made an effort to set aside some time to create.

The times that I can look back over the last week and feel accomplished are when I have checked most things off of my "to do" list, written a blog post, gotten out my camera and practiced shooting in manual, and done something creative {usually painting something}. Obviously, my week contains more than those things, but if I can get to those...well, I feel great! I am very task driven - which is a good and bad thing. I feel best when I meet my {high} standard of "productivity." Ahh. Now, that topic will be saved for another day!

This week, Holley encouraged us God-sized dreamers to get out there and create. Nothing more needed to be said! :)

^^^Some of my Facebook and Instagram friends thought that this was an announcement, B U T it is not :). I made this for a friend's baby shower this last weekend. I always enjoy an opportunity to get chalkin'.

^^^I got out my camera at the baby shower and practiced shooting in manual. We couldn't have asked for more perfect weather to celebrate Lauren and little baby Jasper!

^^^Our front door has been bare since Christmas. Some crazy bird seems to think that my wreaths make excellent nests. After several weeks of us {me and the bird} scaring the you-know-what out of each other, I decided that a bare door was acceptable. That is, until I got the itch to make this spring-y wreath.

Yummy potato soup {from scratch!} was made and shared with friends at game night.
The bathrooms were cleaned - which is therapeutic, afterwards.
Headway was made on the million different painting projects I have going on {thank you, hubs for your help!}.
Pictures were edited.
This blog post is written.

Holley must have known that I needed this kind of week. ;) I am linking up at

{you can get caught up on the series HERE}

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  1. I miss my creative days....too many irons in the fire! It feels exhausting even thinking about being creative right now. Oh well, a season for everything. You are a beautiful creator! Keep up the good work!

  2. I love those creative days, it really gets you thinking of what else you could accomplish! I thought you were announcing something too when I first started reading :)


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