
Monday, April 1, 2013

start with the "why"

In case you're new here, Tuesdays are the day that I write about my God-sized dream {a desire in my heart for more of what God has for me}. You can catch up on the series HERE.

Why am I pursuing this dream of mine?


Because God has placed a desire in my heart to do and be more.

Because I want to be a stellar wife to my husband.

Because I want to impact more lives for Christ.

Because I know that I am called to be more than lackadaisical Christianity.

Because I want to be the best mother I can be to our future child{ren}.

Because I want to be a wise steward of the talents God has given me.

Because I want to be a wise steward of the financial resources God has given me.

Because I believe that God doesn't measure success by how good I look on the outside, but by my true character.

Because I would rather influence others to pursue sanctification rather than to pursue materialism.

Because I know what I don't want.

Because anything less than my best just. wouldn't. be. right.

The answer{s} to the question "Why?" is the very foundation of my dream. If I am not clear on why I am even out there working my tail off, then it is very hard to stay motivated and on track. I am thankful that this week's God-sized dream assignment was to write out my "why." I needed to revisit it. Maybe you do, too? Don't be embarrassed to write your "why" out. Whether your goals and dreams are big or small, get it down on paper.

I am linking up to You are welcome to hop on over and check out the other linkups, or join in yourself like my new friend, Nicole, did! ...go check out her brand new blog HERE!

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  1. My biggest dream is to live the way Enoch, David, Elijah and those folk loved who walked with God, always, allowing to the One in whom I can rest! There in Him I want my roots to grow.
    This is my dream
    Much love XX

  2. just found your blog through the link up and i'm so glad i did!
    i think it's so important to focus on the why's of our dreams. it's what drives us to make them a reality!
    looking forward to reading more :)

  3. Great post about your reasons for pursuing your God-sized dream! Thanks for sharing my blog too! :)


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