
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Guest Post: Kitchen Organization

I am happy to introduce to you my friend, Tamara! She is guest posting for me today. She has some great ideas to share and I hope you enjoy! Be sure to head over and check out her sweet blog for some more inspiration.

Hello!  I am so very excited to be here today!!!  My name is Tamara, and I blog over at Four Girls & A Daddy.  

I have been blogging for almost two years.  I love sharing little pieces of our lives, pictures of my girls, and some of my favorite recipes with my friends and family.

I'm so glad Emily is doing this series on organizing!  She has provided many helpful tips and inspiration to encourage you along the way as you re-organize your home.  I wanted to share a few pictures of some easy and affordable organization tips that I have implemented in our kitchen.  I spend a LOT of time in our kitchen, so I wanted to start there.  These are small...but I am taking things a little bit at a time.  

The Fridge:
These little baskets with the handles were only $2.00 a piece at wal-mart in the kitchen storage area.  We have one for "snacks" and one for "extras".  The snack basket holds little mini cheeses and beef jerky.  The extra basket holds all of the condiments that we save from restaurants like hot sauce, bbq sauce and our favorite...the honey roasted bbq sauce from Chick-Fil-A.  Those little baskets made our fridge look a hundred times more organized.  We don't have little packets of bbq falling out of the door of the fridge every time we open it. 

The Pantry:

I also bought some stacking bins from wal-mart to use as snack trays in our pantry.  We now have easy access to popcorn, crackers and oatmeal.  The canisters hold different snacks as well.  I used chalkboard labels on them so I could keep all the snacks organized.  This gives us more space in our pantry without all the bulky boxes. My favorite part of the pantry is the chalkboard door.  I keep our menu on the inside of the door.  I mark the foods on the menu that need to be taken out of the freezer so I could remember that in the morning.  I also keep a running list of all the groceries that I need, because I forget EVERYTHING.  The bottom panel is reserved for the girls to draw on.  
The spice cabinet:

I purchased a spice holder on amazon to hold the spices that I use the most!  You can buy them here for just $9.99.  I love that I can view my spices and am not searching for the spice I need way back in the cabinet while I am cooking.  I also painted the inside of the door to keep track of the age of my baking powder, soda and other important spices.  Gotta love that chalkboard paint!  
I hope you find these simple tips useful in your home as you try to organize your spaces!  Thank you Emily for having me!

{connect with Emily here}

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