
Friday, March 16, 2012

Cheer Her On

via Brave Girls Club

I ran across this wonderful little article on envy and fear by Melody of Brave Girls Club {"and then there's the fear of being awesome" click HERE to read it} that spoke to me, encouraged me, and reprimanded me...all at the same time.

Envy and jealousy are such ugly things. Sometimes I think that because others in my life have hurt me so deeply that it's ok to hold those same feelings in my heart...especially towards them. Sometimes I struggle with being truly happy for others when all I can think of is how they ignored my victories and discouraged me. Sometimes I wonder if I can truly forgive and be the cheerleader for them that I wished they were for me. I am so thankful for the grace of God, for by it, I know I can forgive and move on. I want to think the best of people and cheer them on to greater success. Because I do not succeed when other fall on their faces...I succeed when I humbly bend down and help them back up.

I'm not going to expound much more on what Melody wrote as she did a wonderful job of clearly communicating her message. Here are a couple of quotes from her article, and I would encourage to head over to Brave Girls Club and read the entire thing.

"Why we sometimes think it is ok to judge UP. By this, I mean...we judge someone for being successful...we judge someone for ALWAYS being happy...for having great discipline at the gym and with their diet, for having great financial success, for having things together...for having a successful art career or for having a beautiful marriage...for being a stickler with their boundaries or for putting their beliefs and values first and foremost, especially if those beliefs and values differ from our own. Why is ok to judge UP?" 

I want to leave you with this thought:

"It is a very destructive belief that if we tear another person down, we somehow elevate our own self."

No Envy No Fear
Joshua Radin
Some are reaching few are there, want to reign from the heroes chair,
some are scared to fly so high, well this is how we have to try:
Have no envy and no fear, have no envy, no fear
Brother brother we all see, you’re hiding out so painfully,
see yourself come out to play, a lovers rain will wash away
Your envy and your fear,
so have no envy, no fear
When your sister turns to leave, only when she’s most in need,
take away the cause of pain, by showing her we’re all the same.
Have no envy and no fear, have no envy and no fear
Every day we try to find, we search our hearts and our minds,
the place we used to call our home, can’t be found when we’re alone
So have no envy, no fear, have no envy and no fear

Be the change you want to see in the world.

{connect with Emily here}


  1. I love it! People act like there's a limited supply of "success"and others must be torn down in order to make room...especially (unfortunately) in "Christan" circles. I have to remind myself too that I have NOTHING to gain by tearing others down, even if they are negative to me. If the people around me are being successful, why not encourage it so we can all do a little better together.

    1. Thank you, Chrystal, for taking the time to read and comment! I enjoy hearing your thoughts.

  2. Hello Emily! I just found your blog via Casey Wiegand's blog. It's sad how we judge others through envy and jealousy. I admit I do it at times. I think it springs from a discontentment inside of us. When we have a thankful attitude, I don't think we'll look around and feel others have it better than us. I think when we are thankful for what we have, we'll show compassion for those with less instead of jealousy for those with more. Just something I've been... trying... to learn.

    1. Welcome, Becca! I'm glad you found your way here :0) I like how you pointed out the need to be a thankful person. That is so important! I appreciate your thoughts! Come back again!


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