
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Hitchhiker's Guide & A Tough Lesson

Some days just don't go the way you thought they would. We all have those! Today was my day. I am supposed to be publishing another post in my organization series today, but that isn't happening. I guess I'm going to have to practice some flexibility and delay my chat on "schedules" until tomorrow! How ironic.

I got a phone call from Jeff while I was out working this afternoon saying that he had picked up a hitchhiker {and her two dogs!} on his way home from {another} 2-day business trip in Kansas. So, let's just say that we might be entertaining an angel unawares tonight! 

Oh life!

I made my first hitchhiker sign today. 

I'm not artsy {at all} haha! I was reminded that a hitchhiker's sign cannot be all beautiful and scroll-y. It has to be able to be read by a driver going 50 mph. 

I know this is a small thing, but it got me thinking. I have SO MUCH to be grateful for! I have been kind of down lately...ya know...stuff happens and I'm trying to grow and learn through it {woe is me}. God knew just what I needed to get my mind off myself! 

Our guest has been a blessing to us. She looked around our home and genuinely complimented me on my style and on Jeff's handyman-ness. She saw my unfilled picture frames on the wall {which I am kind of embarrassed about} and told me that it tells her that I have hope for the future. Angel or psychic...I don't know! 

The Lord brings people into our life for many different reasons. I believe that in every relationship - whether it's short or more longterm - God has something for both parties to learn. We might not always agree 100% with the other person, but there is always something we can discover about ourself through the encounter. So many times, we try to change the faults in the other person, but God is simply trying to get ahold of us

Have you entertained an angel unawares before? :0)

{connect with Emily here}


  1. "I never got the hang of Thursdays", or apparently Tuesdays in this case ;-) How very brave and noble. I've never had a chance to give a ride. Barry has on multiple occasions...but he has never brought one home before! If you all don't show up to Bible study tomorrow, we will go look for the woman with two dogs who is headed to McAlester!

    1. Haha! Good quote :0). I plan on being at Bible study tonight...we saw our guest off this morning {in the rain!} safe and sound. Kinda crazy!

  2. I'm just a *little* bit of a Douglas Adams freak ;-) I hope she enjoyed all your handiwork in that guest room, and pray her journey finds her safely where she belongs :-)


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