
Saturday, January 21, 2012

I've Been Tagged! {A fun little game}

This is my first time getting tagged in a game like this! I didn't even know blogger games existed! How fun. This seems like a creative way to get to know the bloggers around us. 
Jennifer of Vintage Gwen tagged me, so now it's my turn to share!

The Rules: 
1. You must post the rules. 
2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged. 
4.Tag eleven people and link them on your post
5. Let them know you've tagged them!

Eleven Fun Facts
1. I have moved 7 times in my life...I enjoy change!
2. I love to make lists and write things helps me stay focused and be more productive!
3. My mood is quite dependent on the weather. I <3 sunny days!
4. I am a major coffee-a-holic. 
5. Museums give me headaches...every. single. time.
6.  I wanted a horse SO BAD when I was growing up. I think I read every book on horses that the library carried!
7. I am deathly afraid of June bugs and bats. 
8.  My dream vacation = sun + sand + waves + a good book + room service
9.  I was home schooled K-12
10. I am fairly new to the DIY world. My first real project was less than a year ago!
11. I have recently realized that I am dreamer and that I - not my circumstances - am the biggest limitation to achieving my dreams.

Jennifer's Questions For Me

1. What frustrates you the most about blogging? I enjoy sharing my thoughts and my projects to my friends and family, but I am trying to learn how to expand my reach to a larger circle and I haven't quite got that figured out yet.
2. What's one feature about yourself you'd like to change? 
I wish I was more accepting of myself and where I am in life.
3. Which do you prefer, cooking or baking? Definitely cooking. 
4.  What's your dream vehicle? Porsche 911! Woohoo!
5. What's your favorite color to wear? Hmmm in the winter, navy blue seems to be my go-to
6. What would you say is your decorating style? Eclectic. I like a little bit of country, rustic, and shabby chic, but I like clean lines as well. 
7. Were you voted a personality in High School like Most Talented? If yes, which one? No...home schooled :0)
If not, what should you have been voted? probably "most organized" or something.
8. In one sentence, what's your best advice on life in general? be content with what you have, but not with who you are...grow & learn!
9.  What's your favorite sweet to indulge on? dark chocolate :0)
10.  Who's your celebrity crush? Matthew McConaughey 
11. How would you describe your husband in 2 words? Selfless & motivated. 

Tag Eleven People
Marybeth @ Annapolis
Cristina @ The O'Sullivan's
Heather @ Pretty Petals
Aimee @ Twigg Studios
Courtney @ Reckless Glamour

And 11 Questions for you!
1. What is your favorite ice cream?
2. What is the first thing you notice about people?
3. What is your favorite season of the year?
4. Why did you start a blog?
5. What is your favorite item of clothing that you own?
6. Are you a morning or a night person?
7. What is your favorite band/type of music?
8. What would your dream vacation be?
9. Cats or dogs?
10. What is the #1 piece of advice you would give to a beginner blogger {in 1 sentence}?
11. Do you "talk to" other drivers on the road?

Have fun!

{connect with me}


  1. Yay! I love your life in general advice! Thanks for doing this!!


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