
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ruffled Lampshade DIY

I bought some lampshades a while back {from Wally World} for my crystal lamps that I found at Tuesday Morning. They just weren't the right style though. I saw this ruffled lampshade idea on Pinterest from Crafty Texas Girls. Click here for the full tutorial.

Here is what my plain jane shades looked like before:

I bought some cheap muslin for the ruffles. I ruffled until I thought I could ruffle no more. 

And then I hot glued...and glued...and glued some more.
If I could do this over, I would have spaced the ruffles out a little more. The lampshade weighs a lot {haha!}.

I ran out of muslin after the first lampshade, and I haven't gone back to get more yet. So, this is technically an unfinished project. Oh well. 

Oh and I didn't do any editing to these photos. I am finally getting better at using my little camera {at least I think I am! What do you think? Yes, I am fishing for a compliment :o) }

Have a wonderful weekend!

 {I'm linking up here on Wednesday!}

 Oopsey Daisy

{connect with me}


  1. Really love this! such a great idea to add some texture and fun :) How did you get the fabric to ruffle?

    1. Thank you, Kayla! I got the fabric to ruffle using a sewing machine. I borrowed my friend, Marybeth's, machine {she has an adorable blog called btw} and I used a very long stitch. I honestly don't remember the settings I used, but the longer, looser stitch allowed me to pull one of the two threads to create that ruffle. It's very easy! The hardest part for me was figuring out how to use the machine :0). Check out the Crafty Texas Girls blog for a more in-depth tutorial on making these lamps! Happy ruffling!

  2. This is fantastic!! I love anything with ruffles! I looked a couple of months ago at lamps at Hobby Lobby...geez whiz! Even at Half off prices were a little steep! I might have to do something like this! Great job! Have you been linking to the party I cohost on Wednesdays? Show & Share...I would love for you to join us!!
    Happy New Year!!
    By the way, congrats on winning the Ugly Christmas Sweater contest!! :)

    1. Haha! Thank you! I LOVE Hobby Lobby, but I have to agree with you on the prices of their lamps! Crazy! I was just looking at them yesterday :0). I have not been linking to your party! I'm always looking for good link parties...thank you so much for inviting me to join :0) I'll be there.

  3. Looks great, Emily! I'll have to keep this idea in mind! And yes, the pictures look awesome! And I'm not just giving your ego a boost--keep it up!

    1. Thanks, Bethany! I appreciate your genuine compliment :0)

  4. Cool! Can't wait for you to join us Wedensday!!
    By the way I tagged you in a fun get to know ya blogger game today!

    1. Get outta here! That game is such a neat idea! Thank you for tagging me...will get to that soon!! :0)

  5. Looks beautiful, Emily! I don't think I ever got to see the finished product till did such a great job!

    1. Thanks, Marybeth! Thanks again for letting me use your machine! Whenever I bite the bullet and get one, I'm definitely going with a Brother. It was very beginner friendly :0)

  6. Hey Emily! I think they look great! I'm going to be doing something similar in the future. I would love to see them both styled when you are finished. Make sure to share! : )

  7. WOW! I love how this turned out--absolutely lovely! I have wanted to try out this tutorial too. Great job! :) Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

  8. I love the look of this lamp! Thank you for linking up to a pinteresting party. :)

  9. Hi! I just wanted to pop back in and let you know you were one of the features this week:

    Thank you for linking up to A Pinteresting Party!

  10. I love your lamp. It looks so great. I think I'll be doing that too. Thanks for the inspiration! New follower.

    1. Thank you for dropping by, Kelli, and following me! Welcome!

  11. Too sweet! I have a few lamps I need to revamp! Thanks for sharing.

  12. Looks great! I have some lampshades I need to do something to... No idea what tho! I wonder how ruffles would look in a color other than neutral... hmm.. Thanks for the inspiration! (coming over from thrifty decor chick)

    1. Megan, there are a lot of cute, creative ideas out there for dressing up lampshades! I haven't tried using any other colors besides neutral shades. That is a great question! If you try it, please email me a picture! I would love to see how it looks :0)

  13. STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I honestly very much LOVE it!!

    Would you PLEASE link this up on my blog?


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