
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Organization: decluttering!

It's time for another post in the organization mini series. I hope you got a  chance to write down your priorities and how you want organization to help you reach your goals {if you haven't gotten a chance to read my last post, you can check it out by clicking here!}.  

Before we can really get into organizing, I think I need to get rid of some junk - how about you? Most of us could take a look around and identify some items that should not even be in our house right now {i.e. old newspapers, Christmas tree?, broken toys, old makeup, expired medicine, etc.} Let's start with that stuff - yes, the clutter.

Source: via Clara on Pinterest
Ok, first things first. Let's define this word "clutter." Cristin from Simplified Bee says that 

     "Clutter is basically anything that takes up space and isn't improving or making your life better."

I think Cristin hits the nail on the head with this definition. It's simple, and some of you may have just realized that you have some clutter. I know I do!

I'm not here to give you step-by-step directions or a magic formula, but to trigger ideas and give you some helpful resources.

Here are some questions you need to ask yourself to determine if something is truly clutter:
  • Is it broken? Or damaged?
  • Does it fit? Has it been worn in the last year?
  • Do you need it?

     "Beating clutter requires building new habits, applying new organizational methods, and creating new household routines. The clutter cure takes time, and can't be short-cut." -

If you think you are going to "declutter once and for all!" then the above quote was for you {wink}. I'm really not trying to be discouraging here, but I think it's important to realize that we don't have an " abundance of stuff" problem, we have a "lack of discipline" problem. Ouch! Ok, I'm just going to walk away now....

OK, I'm back. Hopefully, we each have pinpointed our own hindrances to getting rid of stuff.  I've been reading a lot of articles on decluttering and came up with the following list of ideas for attacking this much-dreaded task. {I have made a list of my sources at the bottom of this post for your indulgence :0) }

Materials needed: at least 2 trash bags {or whatever containers tickle your fancy} - one for trash and the other marked "giveaway"; a marker; music; and a diet coke...maybe even some chocolate.

Source: via Emily on Pinterest

You need to pick a room, then pick a "zone", then stick to it till it's done. Start small!!! Maybe an entire closet is too much for the first time. Start with a drawer or even just a couple shelves of a closet. Then start asking yourself the questions that I listed above {or come up with your own}.

Only spend 30min - hour on your first couple of decluttering sessions. If you spend an entire afternoon decluttering, then it's no wonder you don't like it! 

Start with the easy things: trash the random papers, junk mail, Christmas/birthday cards {file the special ones that you can't bring yourself to toss}, magazines, newspapers, expired coupons, etc. There is a lot that can be said on how to go about getting rid of these items, but I have to remind myself that this is a mini series on organization :0). Decluttering can be done in layers. Start easy, and work up to the more difficult items. 

Prevent clutter by catching it at the door. 
    • Sort your mail when you get it from the mailbox. Throw away those coupons that you know you're not going to use, or find a designated spot for them. 
    • When you buy a new outfit or accessory, give an old one away. 
    • Throw away broken items immediately
    • Stick to classic toys that can be added to {like Legos, Lincoln Logs, dress up stuff, coloring materials, etc}. Each category has it's own bin or shelf. This keeps the ever-expanding variety of toys to a minimum, which equals less junk!  

To give is better than to hoard. Hoarding is selfish.. Find someone who has a need and give freely.

Sometimes Google is SO good at bringing us information that we start to drown! So, I've done some looking for you to narrow down the results. Here ya go!

Resources for dealing with clutter:
Jen @ iHeart Organizing has all kinds of organizing tips AND her blog is gorgeous, fun, and easy to read.
8 Daily Habits for Keeping Your House Under Control from I'm an Organizing Junkie {Lots and lots of resources here}
Expert Advice to Tame Clutter from Better Homes & Gardens

I hope you find these resources helpful. Now, I need some help!
If you have a favorite organizing site that has proven especially helpful to you, please share in the comments below! Also, if you have decluttering tips, please do share with the rest of us! 

Thanks for stopping by! 

I'm linking up here:

{connect with me}


  1. I'm reading a book right now called Organized Simplicity. I've only read the first few chapters, but so far it's really good. Enjoying your series, this is DEFINATELY an area I need to work on.

    1. Who is the author? I need to expand the variety of sources I draw from :0) I'm glad you are enjoying the series! I'm learning a lot through writing it!

  2. Tsh Oxenreider is the author. I guess she has a blog too, but I haven't checked it out yet.


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