
Friday, January 18, 2013

Birthday Love

I mentioned in my post on Tuesday that if my hubby made me a cake for my birthday, then I would take a picture of it. 

So, here you are :) 

^^^ Yes, he ran out of room... "Happy B- Day, Emily" Haha! It tasted fabulous. I told him that he could make all of my birthday cakes from here on out. He said that it was a deal.  

^^^ I very much appreciate all of the wonderful birthday wishes sent my way. I felt the love. 

^^^ I am quite spoiled around here lately. Jeff surprised me with a 50mm lens and an extra battery {a must-have!}. The lens was made in the '70's and I am so. very. excited. The old lens's were made incredibly I've read. I have enjoyed playing with it already.

Happy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend!

{connect with Emily here}


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. That cake was reeeeaally good. So glad you had a good birthday!

    1. Thank you, Mary! I'll be sure to tell Jeff you liked it :D That will make him happy!

  3. How sweet of your husband! A cake and camera accessories? He knows how it's done. Haha!

  4. Happy Birthday cute girl!! A cake and camera gear~ he's a keeper!

    1. Thank you, Kristen! He sure is :) And happy {belated} bloggy birthday to you :)


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