
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Be Specific: Set Smart Goals

First things first: it's my birthday today :). I have officially hit my mid-twenties. It feels great. I'm hoping to squeeze in a run to Starbucks to get my free birthday drink, and Jeff mentioned something about making me a cake. I will certainly take a picture if that happens. Haha! He is a keeper.

Anyway, on to the real reason we're here today...

In my last post, I shared my dreams. I was very encouraged by your sweet comments. I appreciate every single one of you! 

I didn't dish out every last detail of my dream in last week's post, but I hope to reveal more as we go {and as I figure it out!}  In this post, I want to lay out a couple of my goals...specific ones. I need to figure out how to get from where I am currently {point A} to where I want to be {point B}.
What's necessary is realizing that goals aren't ultimatums; they are simply directions. We are in charge of them -- they're not in charge of us. - Holley Gerth in chapter 2 of the "Do What You Can Plan"
It is so important to set clear, specific goals. Goals are the stepping stones to the dream. Not only is it important to set a specific goal, I believe it's imperative to set a time frame on accomplishing that goal, and maybe even set up a reward for achieving the goal. That's right, reward yourself! For example, if my dream was to lose 20 pounds, I would first set a date that I wanted to lose it by, and then my first goal might be to simply cut in half the number of times a week I eat fast food or another guilty pleasure. If I achieve my goal that week - whether I lose a pound or not - then my reward could be a cute piece of jewelry or some other small thing in proportion to my goal. This is a concept called "feeding your elephant" talked about in the book "The Ant and the Elephant" by Vince Poscente. The book is a parable and has some fantastic insights on how to keep moving towards the big picture dreams. It is definitely one of my top five books and I plan to read it many times over. 

Holley challenged us last week to do one little thing this week to move forward towards our God-sized dream. I did two very little things this last week: 1} I added to my Pinterest dream board, and 2} I read at least 15 minutes a day.

Now, most of my dreams I want to achieve are more long-term things. We are not planning on breaking ground on our dream home in the next 6 months or anything. I know...rather disappointing. I already had people inviting themselves over {I love it!}. One thing I can do now to work towards our dream home is visualizing it and building a dream board. Sounds a little hokey, but if you study successful businessmen/women or athletes, you will find that many of them are dreamers and use this technique. If you took sports at a competitive level, you are probably familiar with visualization. Picturing that perfect layup or goal over and over in your mind is a key part of a professional's practice. You get what you picture. 

Along with regularly visualizing and building a dream board, another thing I can start working on right now is growing personally in wisdom and character. I have a whole stack of books that have been recommended to me by my mentor, and I want to get through one book a week. I have not achieved my dreams because I am not the person I need to be yet. I have not grown enough, worked hard enough, or smart enough...yet. I am going to be consistent {ah...there's my One Little Word!} and wait patiently for God to bless in His timing.  

For further reading on building and pursuing your dream:

Ant and the Elephant - Vince Poscente
Magic Of Thinking Big - David J. Schwartz
The Dream Giver - Bruce Wilkinson

Do you have any book suggestions? I would love to hear them!

I am blessed to be a part of the God-sized dreams team, and we are linking up here {you can too!}: 

{connect with Emily here}


  1. Emily! I think that is great and so reminding me to be SMART and concise too! Thank you for that! May the dream in your heart flourish and grow into something EVEN more beautiful than you can imagine!

    1. You are welcome, Lindsey! It's so easy to fall into drafting up lofty, complicated goals...and then I just get discouraged and give up. Holley's advice was perfect for this week!

  2. Beautiful ... and I love the idea of a dream board on Pinterest.

    1. Thank you, Teri! {You could even create a private dream board if you would rather not share some's really for YOU}. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Emily, just want you to know how much knowing you/reading your posts has inspired me! I share several of your dreams/long-term goals and it is so refreshing to see someone who doesn't just think "Oh, that will never happen!" and give up before they even start! I look forward to following your journey on your blog, and to doing coffee and shopping one day soon! ;-)

    1. I am blessed to know that something I have said has encouraged and inspired you! That is why I share on here! I didn't always believe that my big dreams would happen, but I know that God wants to give us the desires of our heart. And as I continue to draw closer to Him, my desires will be His desires. So, the details might change a little, but I have so much more confidence in my dreams now.
      That shopping and coffee day needs to happen soon! :) Thank you for the birthday wishes :D

  4. Oh, and happy birthday and God bless you!!

  5. Happy Birthday! Keep on pressing forward. One foot at a time.

  6. Happy Birthday!! I love your small steps, and your big dreams!!

  7. Happy Birthday Emily! Loved this post, and the baby steps you are taking to pursue the long term payoff. Super inspiring! Thanks for sharing :)

  8. I finally got a chance to sit down and read this...coherently. :) I'm glad I did. Very inspiring and encouraging to keep taking baby steps forward and one week at a time. Great motivation for our bigger goals!!! Thanks for sharing, friend!


I love reading your comments!