
Friday, January 11, 2013

What I'm Currently Loving

{click on the numbers below for a link to the image source}

1 & 2 // drink // coffee is certainly my beverage of choice. If I'm going out, a toffee nut breve misto from Starbucks is my choice. If I'm staying in, Newman's special blend k-cup is my #1 favorite {I order them off Amazon}. 

3 // snack // a chocolate banana smoothie is my new snack/breakfast. My dad gave me the recipe while we were up in Minnesota for Christmas. The image there is not the exact smoothie that I drink, but I needed a picture :) That recipe looks yummy too, though!

4 // book // my favorite book is typically the book I'm currently reading :) which is: the do what you can plan by Holley Gerth. It's an ebook and it has been fantastic so far for helping me get motivated on my 2013 goals. 

5 // makeup // urban decay eye primer. I love it! I don't usually wear eye shadow to work, but this primer gives a little gold shimmer and keeps my eye liner from smearing. It lasts all day! Thank you, Kasey, for telling me about this! 

6 // hair product // {no judge-y looks allowed!} lately, my favorite "dry shampoo" has been cornstarch.

7 // font love // I have been a little obsessive about fonts lately. My "paper goods" Pinterest board is devoted to all things font-ish. 

8 // wear // I've been living in leggings/skinny jeans, thick socks, boots, scarves, and cardigans. 

9 // toe covering // and when I'm not wearing boots, I'm wearing my cozy moccasins from Old Navy {I couldn't find them in their online store}.

10 // write // I have used these pens since high school, and they are still my favorite. {caution :: do not carry them on a plane...they leak.}

11 // phone accessory // I prefer the soft, rubber phone cases. This one is stylish & it protects my phone well. 

12 // nail polish // a great winter {light pink} white.

13 // dry hair repair // when needed, I will coat my hair {especially the ends} with Argan Oil, wrap my hair up into a bun, and let it do it's thing overnight. I wash my hair well in the morning.  
14 // song // I usually don't get "stuck" on a particular group, but I have really been loving the last two albums that Tenth Avenue North has put out. My current favorite song off their latest album is "worn."

{connect with Emily here}


  1. Love this post and the book suggestions as I'm always looking for things to read! :) My book suggestion for you is Greater by Steve Furtick. I just finished it! :)


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