
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Highlights From Year #1

We have officially lived in Oklahoma for one year!

This year has flown by. It has been such a full and eventful year for us as well. We have been blessed beyond measure by a loving and gracious God who has given us amazing friends and a wonderful church family. This year has not been without it's hard times, but I'm not going to major on the minors right now. The difficulties in life have helped develop my character and I wouldn't choose a life of ease for anything.

For those of you who have been following my blog for a while, you have most likely been able to piece together a little bit of our story. Or maybe you are new here to my little space in Bloggerville. Either way, here are some highlights of this past year:

I took this picture at about 4am before we pulled out of Dunbar, Wisconsin on December 15th, 2010.

We loaded up everything we owned into this 8X10 U haul. I am being 100% truthful when I tell you that we could not - absolutely could not - have shoved another shoe in that trailer to save our lives. We honestly did not know if our little RAV4 was going to make it!

Here is a snapshot of our trek:

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We arrived safely in Owasso, Oklahoma that evening! 

 We went to a David Phelps Christmas concert right after moving down here with our friends Landon and Tammy. It was my first concert of all time and it was amazing! 

In January, we moved into our apartment.
Google images

 We got settled into our jobs and started looking for a church. I don't have many pictures from this time. 
Easter Sunday.

And my hair was very blonde! Yikes.

After only four months of living in our one bedroom, one bath apartment, we found a house!

We are very thankful for God's provision in this house. With Jeff working from home, we really needed the extra space for his office. 

Our summer was filled with projects ranging from ripping out the kitchen ceiling to landscaping the front of the house {which I am sad to say that only one of our front bushes made it through our incredibly hot and dry summer!}. 

We spent Thanksgiving here with some dear friends who invited us to share their family  Thanksgiving with them. They are originally from Louisiana, so the theme this year was "A Cajun Thanksgiving". I ate a lot of new dishes and they were so yummy!

I want to say a heartfelt "Thank you" to all of my readers! I appreciate you stopping by and seeing what I'm up to. 

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