
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day #4: Pom Pom Garland {Tutorial}

Welcome to day #4 of the "12 Days of a DIY Christmas" series and link party! Thank you to everyone who has been linking up! I have really been enjoying seeing all this wonderful talent! Keep it coming!

Click HERE for the introduction to the series!
Click HERE for "Day #1: Faux Mercury Glass Ball Ornaments"
Click HERE for "Day #2: Advent Calendar"
Click HERE for "Day #3: Chalkboard Art"

Today, I am going to show you how to make pom poms! :) I made a little garland strand out of mine. 

Here is what you will need:
And here are the steps:
1.) wrap the yarn around the fork {I found that 30-40 times worked best for me}
2.) cut a separate piece of yarn a few inches long and wrap it perpendicularly around the layers of yarn and knot
3.) pull off the fork and finished tightening the yarn knot
4.) & 5.) slip your scissors in the loops and cut
6.) fluff and trim stray pieces {roll in the palm of your hands like dough}
7.) string using needle and thread {I used a thicker craft type thread} 
Here's a random tip for you: If your needle is getting dull and won't go through the pom pom, gently rub the side of the needle on your scalp. Yes, I know. It's weird. But it works like a charm. I think my mom taught me that one! {works with safety pins too!}
And there you have it! Pom pom garland. Great for parties and trimming your tree :)

It's time to link up! Remember: Any Christmas related blog post is game {recipes, crafts, Christmas family photos, family traditions, etc}. Be descriptive in your titles!
The rules:
1.) You may link up a different blog post once every day for a total of 12 entries.
2.) You must submit a direct link to your post...not just to your blog's homepage.
3.) Your entry/entries may be submitted anytime between now and midnight on December 12th. 

Having trouble linking up? I recently wrote a post called "The 'What' 'How' & 'Why' of a Link Party"  that might be helpful to you. If you still have questions, feel free to email or Facebook me

Tweeting, pinning, "liking" & sharing on Facebook, instagraming, etc are not required for you to enter, but it would be awesome if you would do what you can to spread the word....whether you are entering a link or not.  Spread the love! :)

{connect with Emily here}


  1. I have LOVED looking at all these projects! Your blog is wonderful! I'm linking up tomorrow! :)

    1. Thank you, Allison! I will go check out your link :)


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